The intervention on the Fleta Theatre -finished in 1955, according to the project written up by the architect José de Yarza García- presumes to face questions of such a diverse nature that are in this case interlinked. One hand they would be derived from the resolution of a complex program, that has compactness as one of its key conditions. On the other hand, it would be the insertion of this program in an existing building and of doubtless architectonic qualities. Trying to adopt a line of agreement between both allows the preservation of those more outstanding characteristics of the Fleta Theatre, echoing suggestions that the building itself could show, which has been the object of preferred attention in this project. This last one acquires a special relevance given the constructive process (inherent in a good part of the operations necessary to lodge the ample anticipated project) entailing the demolition of important areas of the building, some of which it makes sense to restore and some not.In respect to the precise space needed to allow for the demands deriving from the new usage it has been considered a good part of this could be situated below the grade line, giving a series of basements, with adequate ceiling heights, which could be used to house the main part of the new spaces needed for the demanding conditions which will be placed on the building by the new facilities. Side by side with this are the demands raised by the new equipment needed wich assumes the substitution of the volume of the stage comb as well as the demolition of part of the plateau in order to allow the restitution, through a new structure thereby free the main vestibule from the numerous smaller supports which exist at the moment. The rest of the extensions emphasize, due to the organization and the incidence in the configuration of the combination of the buildings, the new volume of the stage. The demolition of the structure of the current comb and the need to give the stage an access point for the loading and unloading of trucks with a sufficiently high access point, means it is necessary to build a new stage whilst remaining within the dimensions and uses for this important part of the building. The new construction of the stage, together with its dimensions and layout has supported the obvious difference in parameters of volume between the stage and the rest of the building, most significantly, of the facade which is continued towards Cesar Augusto. The new volume deals with the system of facades towards the rear of the building which face the courtyard of the block, which over the years have maintained an unfinished appearance but it is necessary to deal with them given the entity of the building and its organization as a united block.
The coating of the facade of the volume of the stage will be achieved through panels of zinc and titatium put up on a hollow cavity, on panels of plywood, as a base in continuous stripes, limited on the edges by the horizontal IPE of the metallic structure corresponding on each of the levels of the stage. In the rear facade the volume of the room, coated in zinc panels, acquired the condition of a pluvivial partition.On the level of the emergency exit and loading access points (nine floors in height) and from the level of the stage the wing of the facade, of the stage, looking towards Cesar Augusto allows for the regulation and extension of the lateral sides of the stage as well as the renovation of the first stage of the facade thereby partially avoiding the second level which the neighbouring buildings have created into the main facade of Fleta. Inside the volume of the stage the two upper floors, correspondent to different practice rooms, give the crowning role to hollows covered by moveable connected zinc sheets as referring elements above all in the long term vision for the building. The new roof maintains its original layout although the height is gently increased and clad in coated sheets of zinc titanium, the same material in which the two main longitudinal gutters are made and which separates the plane of the roof. In this way the new volume of the roof is lifted on to the plane of the roof, although less high and more stretched out than the main one which allows for the dominance of the main one whilst remaining within the general volume of the roof.Regarding the treatment of the internal areas and specifically the main room, the intention is to maintain the fresh tone in the use of materials which will reflect the work of Yarza. The maintenance of the amazing piece spatially as well as structurally consists of the amphitheatre and the entrance spaces next to the restoration of the level of the plateau will conserve the character of the room.
The staggered layout of the roof will improve the acoustics, whilst opting for darker tones in its restoration, in line with the current ones, will allow a loosening of the roof in respect to the lateral walls. On these a layout of carbonised panels of non-flamable plywood whose layout is also staggered will correct the normal acoustic problems of rooms with a fan shape.The extensive program of needs has been distributed on the various floors of the existing floors and in the volumes which are the result of the different planes extensions, as much as in the important operation of the grade line which has been planted as much in the volumes of the stage comb under the principal roof of the room and annexes of this one as well as in the small extensions in the height of the actual dressing room wing, backstage and current service area. The occupation of the different spaces has taken into account the location, the geometric characteristics and the functional groupings which the program on the table advises. In this way eighteen levels are established all of different heights between the basement situated on the level 16.09 and the floor for rehearsal rooms which finish off the volume of the stage comb on the level 28.25 on the street.
Arquitectura Viva. Nº 74. 2000
Apunts. ESARQ. UIC. Nº 15. 2002 Revista Vía Construcción. Nº 9. 2004. Details
Developer Departamento de Cultura y Turismo. Diputación General de Aragón.
Build surface area 13.774 m2. Location Avenida de César Augusto. Zaragoza. Competition date October 2000 Project date March 2001 Construction start August 2001 Completion date December 2005 (Budget implemented: 2.455.693,93 €) Programme Main Hall (1.450 seats), small theatre (302 seats), rehearsal rooms, ballet y soloist´s dressing rooms, cafeteria, press room, offices, workshops, storerooms. Awards Competition First prize |
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